Creative Drama: participant-centered activities that are non competitive, and encourage youth to express themselves through the exploration of the five senses, movement, pantomime, story dramatization, role-play and improvisation. Appropriate for all age levels, Creative Drama promotes individual progression of risk; students are encouraged to grow at their own rate!Benefits: literacy, critical thinking, problem solving, socialization, self esteem and global awareness.

How is Creative Drama different than Theatrer?

Creative Drama: refers to a process oriented approach to drama through informal play that focuses on the experience of the participants and does not require an audience.
Youth Theatre: enlists the creativity of youth on stage/behind the scenes to create an experience or production for an audience.
Theatre for Children: productions developed and performed by professional theatre artists for an audience of young people or families.
Arts-based Instruction Methods: using arts and drama techniques to enhance students’ understanding of curriculum, promote better classroom engagement, and address multiple styles of learning.

Is there a performance at the end?
Workshops can lead to a culminating event, depending on the needs of the program, but they don’t have to.








About Classes: Available for schools, enrichment programs, private play groups, special events and more! Students explore movement, vocalization, sound, characters and stories through work in large group, partners and small groups. Activities may be based on a ideas and themes inspired by the children or a particular theme.

Example Classes Descriptions:

There is no limit to how many classes we can create!

Movers & Shakers (Toddler & Twos or 3-5):

Explore creative movement & vocalization inspired by different kinds of music, sound, fabric & textures, stories & dance!

Nursery Rhymes, Fables & Tales (Toddler & Twos or Ages 3-5):

Explore the rich history of language and creative movement through popular characters in Nursery Rhymes, Fables and Fairy Tales. Explorations through sensory awareness, & story dramatization!

Imagination Creations (Ages 3-5 or 6-8):

Explore the imagination through drama activities! From the bottom of the ocean, to the jungle, through a land of mythical unicorns, dragons and beyond! There is no limit to a child’s imagination! Classes use movement, sensory awareness, music, stories and games.

Machines & Gadget Inventors!(Ages 3-5 or 6-8):

Get in your truck, car, airplane or train, build a robot, or a new devide for the kitchen! This class explores the workings of man-made gadgets and encourages the development of original creations and unique ways of expressing knowledge of machines through movement, sensory awareness, pantomime, & story dramatization.

Gardeners & Nature Explorers (Ages 3-5 or 6-8):

Learn about the natural world through movement, sensory awareness, pantomime and story dramatization. Allow stories and items from the nature to inspire further exploration of our beautiful world of mountains, rivers, volcanos, weather patterns, plants, and more!\

Creature Creativity (Ages 3-5 or 6-8):

Youth will celebrate animals and learn about their habitats around the world through drama activities. Each week we will focus on different groups of creatures including arctic, woodland, rainforest, and desert animals. Students will also have an opportunity to create their own mythical animals through movement and sound!

Passport to Drama (Ages 6-8 or 9-12):

Join us as we explore cultures around the globe through creative drama. Each week students will participate in activities inspired by different countries including Japan, China, Germany, and more (to be determined by the interests of the participants)! Students will have the opportunity to play various roles in the dramatization of a stories and folktales from those regions.

The Drama of Art (Ages 6-8, 9-12, teens):

Uses dramatic activities to explore art trends around the world and throughout history. Activities can also encorporate visual art experiences or be done through visualization.

Naturally Dramatic (Ages 6-8 or 9-12):

Explore and celebrate nature through dramatic activities that focus on appreciation for the many habitats, climates, and landscapes that make up the earth. Learn and express!

Drama Divas (9-12):

A class for girls as the transition to their teen years. Build confidence through activities that encourage self expression, creativity and gain inspiration from creative women in history.

Improvisation for Fun (9-12 or teens):

Are you afraid you might say something stupid? Great! This is the place for you! Join us for theatre games, improvisation, and the opportunity to develop characters based on a story or imagination.

Play in a Day (6-8, 9-12 or teens):

Is there a school out day? This is the perfect opportunity for youth to create and perform a play all in one day! Participants will develop a play over the duration of a day based on a storybook, myth, or legend. Students develop their own adaptation of the story and find creative solutions to indicate costumes, setting, and props. Show time happens right before the pick up for family and friends.

Drama Camps (all ages):

May be offered over school breaks. Students write, design, and rehearse a play over the course of a week to be performed for families on the last day.

Classroom Drama (all ages):

Inspire the multiple learner! Drama can assist with curriculum, social skills, and give students another tool for processing! Classes designed to meet the needs of individual teachers.

For more info, resume and references:

Contact: 818-538-9706


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