Posted in Urban Sold

original painting by Brooke Harker available at Lu Martin Galleries in Laguna Beach, CA

While working on this painting, I noted: “Today I felt more like having fun than being perfect.” This painting marked a significant change in the way I approached painting.  The transformation began during my residency in Italy and when I returned to LA. I felt confused.  I thought of a story I’d heard of slaves who wandered in the desert for forty years after captivity so that their children would not associate themselves as slaves. Although several months overseas as an artist is quite different than decades in dessert terrain or hailing from slavery, the concept of losing one’s limited concepts resonated with me. Unfamiliar territory has a way of shaking up behaviors and thoughts that once seemed absolute.  A dear person in my life recently told me…”Right now is the only place you create your life.” This painting is a celebration of the infinite possibilities of today, hence the title: “Reign of Today.” Make your todays count!