Posted in Urban Sold

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I dreamed of a life that involved turquoise water and boats.  It was this vision that drew me to Sicily in search of images that captured and quenched this longing.  However, it was the greens in the boats and the tiled dome of Trapani’s Church of San Francesco of Assisi that called to me and influenced the shades of lime in the water.  I found this harbor on a windy day. I wouldn’t have seen all the boats had it been a calm day as they probably would have been out to sea. It was because of the turbulent waters that I got to witness my dream.  The light illuminated the buildings despite the wind, and I felt immense joy.  I parallel this image to the ebb and flow of being human.  We each have a harbor within ourselves from which we shine regardless of the circumstances.  As green in some systems of healing represents the color of heart energy, I associate this painting with the healing of the heart.  We have to be patient for the winds to calm, and like a boat, enjoy the process of floating.  Sometimes it takes slightly turbulent water to see what we want.