original painting by Brooke Harker.
Artist’s Description: This painting includes a surge of energy inspired by my mother and her visit to Los Angeles. Looking at this painting, I can hear the sound of her laughter and am
reminded of pink flowers and our visit to the Japanese Garden in Van Nuys the day
I finished this painting.
Later this painting was part of the traveling museum exhibit, California Dreaming: An International Portrait of Southern California juried by Peter Frank (Los Angeles-based art critic/curator), Drew Oberjuerge (Inland Empire-based museum director), and Daniel Foster (San Diego/Oceanside-based museum director). The exhibit opened at Palazzo della Provincia di Frosinone in Frosinone, Italy (Rome vicinity) under the leadership of gallery director Alfio Borghese, in October 2014 and continued on to the Oceanside Museum of Art (OMA) and Riverside Art Museum (RAM) through 2015. It was this painting that caught the attention of Alfio Borghese and lead to a the five month residency in Italy to create my solo exhibition “Una Prospettiva Eclettica/An Eclectic Perspective,” which featured 14 paintings of Los Angeles and 6 of Italy.