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Art Opening in Rome January 20th! 6-9 pm

Happy New Year Everyone! Sending fabulous wishes to you in 2017 and hope you enjoyed your holidays!

The paintings created for my solo exhibit, “una prospettiva eclecttica” (an eclectic perspective), curated by Alfio Borghese, will tour to a third location this month!  Via Margutta is a street famous for art and galleries in the heart of Rome.  I will arrive in Rome Saturday Jan 14th and am excited to see the city in the winter. 

If you find yourself in Rome in the next couple of weeks or have friends in the area–please join us at the opening reception or send your friends!  The gallery is open on other days  Monday-Saturday 10:30-7:30.

Area Contesa Arte
Via Margutta 90
00187 Roma

Here are the details in a facebook invite:


What of Paris would you like to see in  a painting? Send your ideas!

You may remember when I painted a 7ft black and white of the Eiffel tower several years ago. I continuously get requests for more Paris scenes…especially from my favorite art Fairy Godmother, Lu Martin (at Lu Martin Galleries in Laguna Beach)….So I will have 4 days in Paris on the way back from my exhibit in Rome.

If you have favorite streets in Paris that you see me painting or great views of the Eiffel tower to consider–please send your suggestions! Also if you know of art galleries to check out –I’d love those ideas too! 

 with the original of “Eiffel Tower” ink & acrylic on canvas, 84″ x 38″ by Brooke Harker -SOLD


What’s new in homes:

To all the people who think there is no place for a 7.5″ painting–stairwells often have high ceilings:) Here is a shot of Corner of Pearl in it’s new home:)

It makes me so happy when collectors send me photos of paintings in their environment…if you have one or more of my paintings–I would love to see pictures!

Smaller paintings also look good in stairwells! By smaller, Hollywood Innocents below, is  36″ x 36″ which I think of as small…

Paintings can go above pianos…next to bookshelves…so many ideas!
Here is Kevin in the City (Orpheum Theatre, Downtown Los Angeles) in it’s new home:)

Kevin in the City  84″ x 56″ ink, oil and acrylic on canvas  by Brooke Harker


What’s new in the Gallery:

If you haven’t been to Laguna Beach lately or ever, you are missing out on meeting my amazing gallery owners. Yes, you will get to see art and the ocean…getting to meet Lu Martin who is almost in her 28th year as a gallery is worth the trip…I kinda think the gallery is a front for her being an angel.

If you would like a break from winter…take a peek into these southern California views…

Lagunatics Lounge 54″ x 54″ ink, oil and acrylic on canvas  by Brooke Harker
To read more about this painting,
Click Here.

I even painted this one behind the gallery and took breaks to cross the street and jump in the ocean.

Technically this next painting hasn’t gone on a transportation adventure to the gallery yet…however Greg Martin will have access to get this while I’m in Europe if you see this on your wall….remember what I said about the stairwells…

Boulevard Smile  58″ x 60″ ink, oil and acrylic on canvas  by Brooke Harker

Here is a behind the scenes shot so you can get a feel for the scale:

To read more about Boulevard Smile  Click Here.


What’s new in the Studio:

If you want to call dibs on this 48″ x 48″ painting of Venice when it’s finished…contact Lu Martin Galleries

Here is one in process which depicts the corner of Hollywood Boulevard and Vine. 

Another great place to put paintings is next to cute cats…here is my studio assistant Sherman pouring on the cuteness as usual.


Original Holiday Cards for Collectors 2016/15 went out:

This year the original holiday cards for collectors went went out in a bi-annual edition shockingly before the new year.  If you are a collector and didn’t get a card–I probably don’t have your address or am mad at you…just kidding. Some of the cards came back to me too…so feel free to update me with a snail mail address. 

Making these cards is a bit like being a kid again and is a great reminder to me of so many people to be thankful for, whose support contributes to me getting to do what I do.

Click here
to stalk your card, see all the cards, or read more about the process and intentions behind this project. It is a labor of love.

Feel free to follow my travels to Rome & Paris on social media–also there will be a day in Belgium:)

Arrivederci and Au Revoir!