Posted in Updates

“Remembering Matera” by Brooke Harker  48″ x 144″ (3 sections of 48″ x 48″) on display at GDCA
 photo credit: Jason Ruscio

My Triptych at Gloria Delson Contemporary Arts

Last week I shared that my 12ft wide painting, “Remembering Matera” is now on display downtown Los Angeles! Here is a photo update of this triptych on the wall!

To see more of the art in the exhibit and learn about the meaning behind the collection of artists selected for the “Sustain” exhibit, curated by Petra Wright, check out the gallery’s website and follow them on social media!

Gloria Delson Contemporary Arts
727 South Spring Street
(between 7th & 8th)
Los Angeles, CA 90014

For inquiries, contact Petra at the above number 


I’m in a podcast! Check out Episode 62! 

I’m super honored to be interviewed by Alyson Stanfield about this project that started during the 2020 quarantine, rallying artists around the world to have art shows from home!

To listen click here: 

Or share this link with artist’s you’ve been meaning to tell about the project!
This will help them learn how to join:)


with “The Georgian Hotel” by Brooke Harker  11.25″ x 9.25″  ink & watercolor paper

Art Show From A Bathtub!  #snlartshows

It amused me this past weekend to have an art show from my bathtub.

As Alyson Stanfield and I talked about in episode 62 of her podcast (link shared above), these from home aren’t about being perfect.  It’s always good to find a reason to laugh. 

Click here to see my latest Week 29: Saturday Night Live Art Show from the tub