I hope your emergence into 2022 is one with reverence and nurturing yourself.
Lately I’ve really been into the word curate.
I’m thinking about curating thoughts and decisions in my home.
It’s always been easy for me to make choices when it comes to creating art, however it wasn’t always easy for me to make decisions in the physical space around me that contributed to a feeling of well-being.
I’d see the beautiful homes my paintings went into, and then threw my personal belongings around as I was always in a hurry to go make more art.
I thought of peaceful energizing environments as something that other people had.
The many projects scheduled for “later” piled up in the space around me and eventually weighed on my spirit.
So as we enter 2022, I’m getting curious about a new way.
I’m considering that there might be another possibility for me too, a outcome that is energizing.
How do you feel about the space around you?
Art to Brighten Walls:
An Interview with The Creative Spirits Podcast:
The people we surround ourselves with are also an important part of our self-care.
Those we curate into our lives have the opportunity to inspire who we grow into.
Honored to have artist Sheryl Benjy, host of The Creative Spirits Podcast, in my life.
We talk near the end of the episode about a session I had with her called, Body Art for the Soul.
Here is one of my favorite images from when I got to be part of her art:
To see more of her work, check her out at links below!
Sheryl is based in Beverly Hills, so if you are local you can book to be part of her art too!
You may recognize her as one of my co-hosts for Saturday Night Live Art Shows.
Check out her art at: https://www.sherylbenjy.com/
You can find her on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/sherylbenjy_art
I have many paintings in the studio in progress! I will share updates soon or follow me on Instagram or Facebook to see more frequent updates!
May you curate your life in the way you want in 2022!