Posted in Blog

I have been meaning to share a behind the scenes glance at my annual holiday card project for awhile.  Although it is mid-May and long after an appropriate time to share news about the holidays, the cards I created for 2014/15 (sent in February:) were about gratitude…which is really a timeless subject. AND this is my practice blog entry:)

In 2012, after years of not sending cards, I returned to my childhood tradition of making original cards. Each year my collectors and important people in my life get mini original paintings on canvas.  This is also a gift to me, taking the time to make little originals that I get to give away as an expression of my love and gratitude for the many people who make my world a better place.

Step 1: Stapled scraps of left over         Step 2: With ink, I painted all the
canvas to a board and painted them.     people I felt gratitude for in 2014.

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Step 3: I applied left over oil paint from recent works.

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Much of the paint for these cards came from working on the painting Vacation in the City 1, 48″ x 48″, ink, oil & acrylic on canvas.

Step 4: Cut up the canvas scraps into mini compositions and look for areas that need more love.









Step 5: Glue all of the mini paintings to blank cards. Here they are:

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Above: one of the cutest dogs in the world letting me know that the holiday card arrived.

Below: a photo from one of my collectors who framed her card:)
